In short:
GP practice leaflet – general
Staff members
Assistants: Jacqueline, Joke and Rianne
General practice-based nurse specialist for somatics: Martina Riemens
General practice-based nurse specialist for mental healthcare: Sietske Vervaat
General practitioners: Ms M.E. Andeweg, GP and Ms G. de Jager, locum GP
Consultation by appointment
Consultation is by appointment only. The assistant will ask about the reason for your visit so that she can estimate how much time is required. A consultation lasts ten minutes and is intended for one complaint. If you believe you need more time, please indicate this.
To make an appointment, please call between 8 am and 10.30 am
on 050-5733101 (option 3)
Emergency care
In case of emergencies in the daytime, please call:
on 050-5733101 (option 1)
If every second counts:
112 and the GP
After 5 pm and at weekends, please call the doctors’ service on 09009229
Consultation by telephone
If you would like a telephone consultation with your GP for brief medical advice or results, you can request this from the assistant before 10.30 am, and you will receive a call-back appointment.
If you cannot come to the practice for medical reasons, you can call before 10.30 am to request a home visit.
Practice-based nurse specialists
If you want to make or postpone an appointment with Martina Riemens or Sietske Vervaat, please call one of the assistants.
Appointment with the assistant
The assistants hold daily consultations for blood pressure, warts, injections, smears and syringing of ears.
You must make an appointment for this.
You can hand in urine samples between 8 am and 10.30 am.
Repeat prescriptions
If you request a prescription before 10.30 am, it will be available in the pharmacy after 2 days.
You can request repeat prescriptions via the website, by handing in a label from a box at the practice reception, or via the prescriptions line (050-5733101, option 2).
Results and other questions
Between 1.30 pm and 3 pm, you can call the assistant for the results of any lab, urine or functional tests. 050-5733101 (option 3)
During holidays, the practice will be taken over by the Zonnelaan GP practice. Address: Zonnelaan 26, tel.: 050-5775722.
You will find information about the practice on the website. For information about frequently occurring conditions, we refer you to
Practice-based nurse specialists – leaflet
In consultation with the GP, you will have check-up appointments with the nurse specialist and assistants for diabetes mellitus (diabetes), CVRM (cardiovascular disease), atrial fibrillation and COPD. Martina Riemens is a nurse and she will support you.
The nurse specialist and assistants work closely with the GP, hold independent consultation hours, and provide information and guidance. They always consult with the GP in the event of any changes in medication or policy.
If you have diabetes, you are checked three to four times a year. You will visit the GP once. After each check-up, you will receive a new appointment and a form for a blood test.
A week before the appointment, you go to the blood collection laboratory or visit the assistant for an HbA1C measurement only. You will be informed of the result during the consultation.
CVRM, AF or COPD basically only require a test measurement in your month of birth.
Prior to the check-up by the nurse specialist, you can take a seat in the waiting room. The nurse specialist will meet you in the waiting room. You do not need to report to the assistant.
If you are unable to attend, we ask you to call the assistant to cancel the appointment at least 48 hours in advance. This appointment can then be reallocated.
Practice-based nurse specialist for mental healthcare – leaflet
In consultation with the doctor, you have made an appointment with the nurse specialist for mental healthcare. Sietske Vervaat is the nurse specialist for mental healthcare at our practice, and she will support you.
Psychological and/or psychosocial problems are generally the reason for meetings with the nurse specialist for mental healthcare. Depending on your requirements and options, the nurse specialist for mental healthcare will make suggestions for a solution.
Support from the nurse specialist for mental healthcare is of a short-term nature. This means that five sessions take place on average. The sessions last 30 to 45 minutes.
It sometimes becomes clear from the meetings that it would be best to refer you to a psychologist (“basic mental healthcare”) or a psychiatrist (“specialised mental healthcare”). The nurse specialist will discuss this with you and the GP.
The sessions with the nurse specialist for mental healthcare come under basic insurance. There are no additional costs for you.
Before the meeting, you can take a seat in the waiting room. The nurse specialist will meet you in the waiting room. You do not need to report to the assistant.
If you are unable to attend, we ask you to call the assistant to cancel the appointment at least 48 hours in advance. This appointment can then be reallocated.